Those of you who attended class last Saturday would have seen another dog on screen. I should introduce him to you all. His name is Artie and he belongs to my sisters’ family. I have put a photo up for you all. He looks very sweet in this photo! He does like to join in with the exercises and he is pretty vocal too!!
Scissors Dead Bug Double Heel Touch Seated Touch & Extend Ball Roll Plank Leg Lift Legs In Air Touch Side Hip Lift Prone Knee Drop Side Hip Lift Plank To Prone Bum Lift
Leg In Air Sit Touch Toes Extend Half Sit Bear Hug Ball Roll Bridge March Prone To Floor Heel Touch Side Plank Thread Needle Side Plank Thread Needle Plank Prone Hill Climb
Dead Bug On Ball Bridge March Roll Down Seated Weight Touch Prone Drop Knees Heel Touch Half Sit Prone Shoulder Touch Side Plank Side Plank Scissors Reverse Prone